
From Steal to Secession AM - Ep. 37: Can Florida make it as an Independent Nation?

What is unfolding on the secession and self-government fronts in the Sunshine State?

Episode 37 of "From Steal to Secession AM"

Professor Wall welcomes Florida secession activist and FLexit leader Keith Bessette to "From Steal to Secession AM" for a discussion on secession, it's deeper justifications, and it's prospects in the state of Florida. What are the Principles of Secession? How do we overcome certain basic objections to the idea of secession? Is Ron DeSantis putting pieces in place for Florida to assert it's own sovereignty for (in his own mind) the worse-possible what-if scenario of a collapse of Washington DC? What kind of independent spirit exists among the people in Florida? Is it enough to lend support to a secession effort? How soon might Florida follow states like Texas, New Hampshire, Louisiana, or California out of the DC-based Union?

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