(NOTE: Due to an unforeseen personal emergency we were unable to record our planned episode for New Years covering the secession story from Northeastern Minnesota. To replace it we share with you a previous New Years episode from our pre-Substack days where we had a rollicking good time discussing another historical secession episode and poking fun at Elitist hypocrisies surrounding secession.)
Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel meet up on the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln signing his approval of West Virginia’s application for statehood through seceding from Virginia to discuss Lincoln’s bizarre legal justification for approving secession in the case of West Virginia but condemning it in the case of the Confederate States. The story reeks of hypocrisy and has elements to it which should infuriate West Virginians when they find out the truth concerning Lincoln’s feelings towards them.
Links to Resources mentioned:
(Opinion on the Admission of West Virginia - By Abraham Lincoln): https://web.archive.org/web/20100413111858/http://www.wvculture.org/HiStory/statehood/lincolnopinion.html
(When the Feds Like Secession: The Case of West Virginia - By Dave Benner): https://mises.org/wire/when-feds-secession-case-west-virginia
(Lincoln Signs Proclamation Admitting New State of West Virginia): https://www.civilwarprofiles.com/lincoln-signs-proclamation-admitting-new-state-of-west-virginia/
(Forming West Virginia): https://mises.org/library/forming-west-virginia
(Gettysburg Gospel: How Lincoln forged a civil religion of American nationalism - By Dr. Richard Gamble): https://www.theamericanconservative.com/gettysburg-gospel/
(The Case for American Secession: Why it’s time to disunite the States - By Michael Malice): https://observer.com/2016/06/the-case-for-american-secession/
(“The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, his Agenda, and an Unnecessary War” - By Thomas J. DiLorenzo): https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=&lang=en&isbn=9780761526469&submitBtn=Search&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr
(“Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed to Know about Dishonest Abe” - By Thomas J. DiLorenzo): https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=&lang=en&isbn=9780307338426&submitBtn=Search&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr
(“The Problem with Lincoln” - By Thomas J. DiLorenzo): https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=&lang=en&isbn=9781684510184&submitBtn=Search&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr
(“A Disease in the Public Mind: A New Understanding of Why We Fought the Civil War” - By Thomas Fleming): https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=&lang=en&isbn=9780306822957&submitBtn=Search&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr
(“Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement” - By Phillip W. Magness & Sebastian N. Page): https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=&lang=en&isbn=9780826221490&submitBtn=Search&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr
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